Cary Ganz
New York University, USA
Title: A Forty Year Perspective of Dentistry: Past, Present and Future
Biography: Cary Ganz
Dentistry has undergone dramatic changes over the last forty years. From materials to management, from philosophy to economics, Dentistry is a fluid profession. To understand where dentistry is today and where it will be tomorrow, we need to look back to see where we have been? Dentists are challenged to be both usinessmen and women as well as health care professionals. We need to embrace change while maintaining some of the status quo of the past. As the world around moves in different directions, the dental profession needs to find its own place in this dynamic model. As a profession, we have faced many daunting challenges. But we have managed to purse these challenges with a great deal of energy and dedication. The future for dentistry is bright but will, once again, test our ability to adapt not only as professionals but as a part of the wheel of progress.